Here's a treat for our fellow architecture lovers. In 2019, the City of New Orleans Historic District Landmarks Commission published a set of design guidelines. Within those guidelines lies a gem: Chapter 3, "Building Types and Architectural Styles."
Architectural guidelines can be vague or even generic, but this document is the opposite. Specific, informative sections describe each building type and style and place it squarely along the timeline of New Orleans history. Relevant photographs, drawings, and floor plans help make the point. And they remind us just how lovely New Orleans architecture is.
Architect Mike Thompson is originally from New Orleans and is heavily influenced by the architecture there. We used this document to get a better understanding of his work, and we're excited to share it with you, along with his house plans.
If you'd like to build a house — or a whole neighborhood — with the charm of New Orleans, let us know. What you see on our website is just the tip of the iceberg; we'll be happy to dig into our publishing queue to find the designs that will help you make your dream real.